
Taxi prices in Perungalathur, Tamil Nadu, India 2025

Please note that below taxi rates and fares are estimates. All calculations are performed based on a proprietary algorithm that considers a large set of information sources and factors. The actual numbers for your taxi rates and fares in Perungalathur, Tamil Nadu, India may vary.

Taxi prices in Perungalathur, Tamil Nadu were estimated 2286 days ago.
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Taxi rates in Perungalathur, Tamil Nadu

Taxi Class
Approx. examples
Uber Start,
Uber Go
Uber Select,
Lyft Plus
Uber XL,
Lyft XL
37.20 INR 49.60 INR 94.40 INR
per min
1.90 INR 1.90 INR 2.40 INR
per km
9.90 INR 12.40 INR 20.10 INR

Taxi fares in Perungalathur. ECONOMY Class

3-9 km
3 73.70 INR
4 85.90 INR
5 98.10 INR
6 110.30 INR
7 122.50 INR
8 134.60 INR
9 146.80 INR
10-50 km
10 159.00 INR
15 219.90 INR
20 280.80 INR
25 341.70 INR
30 402.60 INR
40 524.40 INR
50 646.20 INR

Taxi fare calculator in Perungalathur

Estimate a taxi fare in Perungalathur
Important: real-time prices for Uber, Lyft etc. can differ from estimated prices as they factor in the dynamic rush-hour price increase.

Taxis in Perungalathur, Tamil Nadu

The following taxis are available:

    UBER  website  

Uber rates below are the same as you would see via the Uber app.

UBER pricing Intercity-Mahabalipuram Intercity-Kanchipuram Intercity-Pondicherry uberXL Pool Hire Go Go Intercity uberGO Premier Intercity Hire Premier XL Intercity Premier
Base fare 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 80 INR 28.35 INR 52.5 INR 0 INR 31.5 INR 0 INR 83 INR 0 INR 42 INR
Booking fee 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR 0 INR
Cost per min 2 INR 2 INR 2 INR 2 INR 1.42 INR 2.63 INR 1.97 INR 1.58 INR 1.97 INR 2.63 INR 1.97 INR 1.58 INR
Cost per km 14 INR 14 INR 14 INR 17 INR 7.56 INR 0 INR 11.81 INR 8.4 INR 14.44 INR 0 INR 22.31 INR 10.5 INR
Min. charge 800 INR 800 INR 800 INR 157.5 INR 52.5 INR 210 INR 800 INR 52.5 INR 900 INR 240.5 INR 1250 INR 63 INR
Cancel. fee 50 INR 50 INR 50 INR 75 INR 30 INR 75 INR 50 INR 30 INR 50 INR 75 INR 50 INR 30 INR

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